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GPlaylist (and Playlist) are tools to create playlists from your MP3 collection. They can create a playlist suitable for your preferred music player (in the .M3U and .PLS format), and nice HTML playlists with some simple statistics at the top. Playlist is a command-line program, whilst GPlaylist is a GUI frontend to Playlist. Both are written in Perl, and GPlaylist uses Perl/Tk for the GUI.

To use GPlaylist, you specify the MP3 Root Folder, which contains all of your MP3s, and whether or not you want the output to be in HTML (if not, it will make a normal music playlist for you audio program). You then click on "GO!", and it will scan through the root directory and any sub-directories, compiling a list of MP3s, sorting them alphabetically, and putting them in a nice format. With the HTML list, it will also give you the number of tracks, the total length of all the tracks in the playlist, and the average track length. You can then edit the list as you like in the output window, and, when you're happy with it, save the playlist. You can configure the default MP3 Root Folder, whether HTML is on or off by default, and the header and footer for the HTML (i.e. the stuff to put above and beneath the playlist output to make the playlist look just how you like it) by clicking on the configure button (the spanner).

Playlist does pretty much the same as GPlaylist, only its not as easy to configure and use (unless you're a keyboard-type-person like me :). You run the program, and it will send the output to STDOUT (standard output, i.e. the shell), so you have to pipe the output into the file you want to save the playlist in (example in a moment!). You can use the "-html" argument to specify HTML output, and "-help" to print a simple help screen. To configure the HTML template you have to open the script up and edit the playlist in the script. To use it, you would do soemthing like:
      tom@tigger: playlist -html /media/files/Music > /home/tom/playlist.html

The GPlaylist Main Screen:

GPlaylist-full.tar.gz with images (if you don't have KDE installed) (not yet packaged)
