Things I have written include articles, essays and documentation. The lists are in chronological order, newest at the top. Publications I've written for include The Daily Telegraph, Linux Journal, Free Software Magazine, LinuxUser & Developer, Linux Weekly News, Newsforge,The Liberator and Spark.
- The social structure of open source development (an interview with a sociologist focussing on KDE)
- The tsunami aid farce (the pathetic aid donations of the super-rich and governments, our secret history in Indonesia, and the need for debt cancellation and trade justice)
- KDE on Windows? A Platonic dialogue (debating whether or not KDE should port applications, in a cheeky pseudo-philosophical style)
- Green Energy: How the Forum Won and Where It Got Us (describing how a group I am in changed my University's energy contracts)
- LinuxWorld London: Sandals and suits in symbiosis (A trade show review)
- SourceXtreme aims to move Windows developers to Linux (A business model using Qt and MinGW)
- What is KDE e.V. for? (A brief look at KDE's legal & financial frontend)
- A collection of articles written around the KDE World Summit - aKademy
- Munich and software patents (On the conflict between the fight against swpats and free software advocacy)
- An activism update from Europe (my second LWN column)
- Culture Club (the free culture revolution, and fighting the corporate takeover of culture)
- Fighting software patents: a report from Brussels
- Interview with Barth Netterfield about kst
- Interview with C.T. Leung about the LTSP and KDE
- The Emperor's Old Clothes (attacking my bureaucratic Students' Union) and a follow-up.
- KDE launches Quality Teams Project (a social scientist's analysis of the project)
- In defence of Free Software, community, and cooperation (a follow-up to an article by RMS and consequent criticisms he received)
- Lobbying for Linux (experiences from lobbying against software patents in the European Parliament in Brussels)
- Politics in Free Software (the place of politics, focussing on two different examples related to KDE)
- Teaching newbies GNU/Linux (problems with the Free Software world and newbies)
- Let's Not Forget Out Roots (Free Software distributers need to make users aware of Free software principles)
- Easy Rider Crashes Again (sometimes its good to make software difficult to use)
- Is the GNU/Linux Desktop Dead? (and does it matter?)
- Welcome to the Dark Ages A response to the European Union Copyright Directive (EUCD)
- Cybercrime Treaty Subjugates the Internet A response to the Cybercrime Treaty
- End this hawkish nonsense
- Internet Force For Freedom Published in The Liberator, September 2001
- What are the philosophical differences between the proprietary, Open Source and Free approaches to software licensing and development?
- How far should democratic citizenship demand political participation?
- Death of the Party and a newer short version of Death of the Party
- Zero Point Energy and its Applications (My A-Level theoretical physics investigation)
- KDE is so cool because... (A series of promotional guides to KDE features)
- Making games with Pygame (tutorial)
- GNU/Linux newbie documentation